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  • 09/20/2016 12:21 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    September 20, 2016 -- Moving from Santa Monica’s backlog of proposed developments, a project to replace the now vacant site of Aaron Brothers Art and Framing on Lincoln Boulevard with a five-story mixed-use apartment complex heads to the Planning Commission on Wednesday. Included are five “affordable” units ...

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  • 09/20/2016 12:18 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    The Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City (SMCLC) voted to support Measure LV, bucking a city political establishment that strongly opposes the initiative –- and includes some elected officials who have been coalition allies.

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  • 09/19/2016 8:35 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    For example, it would seem that good planning would reduce rather than increase the number of permanent cars in the Downtown area. Actually, the opposite is the case. Of the 55 Development Agreements in the pipeline, about two-thirds of those pending or approved are slated for Downtown and two-thirds of those will be on Lincoln Boulevard.

    These new projects will require parking for around 8,560 new cars – almost as much as currently exists in all of the City’s 14 lots – 8,683 cars.

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  • 09/15/2016 10:18 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Governor Jerry Brown just signed AB 2819* to protect the privacy, credit, and reputation of tenants who are involved in eviction lawsuits. 

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  • 09/14/2016 11:32 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    By Armen MelkoniansCity Council Candidate

    I can't recall a single project proposed by developer NMS that was not approved by our city staff or our City Council.

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  • 09/14/2016 11:18 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Not all contractors are fair or honest. But there are things you can do to protect your rights: 
    Three bids


    Only 10% down/$1,000 max

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  • 09/12/2016 8:36 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    By Guest Author [Mary Marlow, a member of the Santa Monica Transparency Project] on September 12, 2016 

    Five ballot measures qualified for inclusion in the November 8, 2016 Santa Monica election. Money and political endorsements now gravitate to both sides of each measure as local elected officials, prominent residents, members of advocacy groups, political organizations and specifically targeted political action committees (PACs) – which have no limits on financial contributions – all battle to sway public opinion and garner votes. In this article and a follow-on next week, here is the field of play:

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  • 09/09/2016 12:45 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    I was surprised to read an article recently that stated Wilshire Boulevard was in desperate need of height and density. 

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  • 09/07/2016 10:07 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    September 7, 2016 -- Nearly 15 months after imposing some of the nation’s toughest limits on booming short-term vacation rentals, City of Santa Monica officials were served Tuesday with litigation by Airbnb alleging multiple violations of federal law.

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  • 09/07/2016 7:23 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    We are already jammed, we have so much in the pipeline, we have limited resources (especially water), our traffic is rapidly grinding to a standstill, we have a light rail now so those who work or play in Santa Monica don’t have to live here. And yet the chorus rises up from throats paid to sing — We need more! 

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