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  • 11/04/2016 8:35 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    THE TRANSPARENCY PROJECT OFFERS this summary of candidate and PAC contributions affecting the 2016 Santa Monica election.

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  • 11/04/2016 8:14 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    By Tara Barauskas. Tara Barauskas recently joined Community Corporation of Santa Monica as Executive Director of Community Corp

    I am happy to introduce myself to Santa Monica as the new Executive Director of Community Corp., which is a non-profit organization established in the city in 1982 that provides affordable housing to more than 4,000 Santa Monica residents.

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  • 11/03/2016 4:17 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    November 3, 2016 -- It’s called “the list,” a compilation of proposed building projects being tracked by City planners, or all plans in Santa Monica's development pipeline.

    Last updated on October 18, the case list from the City’s Planning and Community Development Department is composed of 39 projects totaling nearly 3.8 million square feet, according to a review by the Lookout.

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  • 10/31/2016 10:57 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)


    City of Santa Monica Seismic Retrofit Program. The Building and Fire-Life Safety Commission will hold a Special Meeting to hear recommendations to updates to the requirements for mandatory seismic retrofit for certain buildings that are potentially at risk. The buildings affected by the updates include: Soft-Story-Tuck Under Parking buildings; Non-Ductile Concrete buildings; Unreinforced Masonry buildings; Concrete buildings with Flexible Diaphragms; Welded Steel Moment Frame buildings. The technical requirements and administrative-procedural standards will be presented. 

    When: Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 6:00 pm 

    Where: SMI Conference Room, Civic Center Parking Structure 330 Olympic Drive, 2nd Floor, Santa Monica

    Read More: SMDP, Oct 31, page 5:

  • 10/31/2016 10:44 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    ...the City Council last week approved an ordinance requiring all single-family homes constructed in Santa Monica to achieve “zero net energy (ZNE).”

    The ordinance also requires that single-family homes and "low-rise" multi-family homes be designed to use 15 percent less energy than allowed in the most recent California Energy Code. High-rise multi-family homes and non-residential projects must be designed to use 10 percent less energy than the code requires.

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  • 10/29/2016 9:21 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    Members of SMa.r.t. and others in our city have identified many continuous problems with planning oversight in Santa Monica.

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  • 10/28/2016 4:26 PM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    It is with heavy hearts that The Daily Press announces the passing of longtime columnist and friend Bill Bauer.

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  • 10/27/2016 11:18 AM | Margaret Fulton (Administrator)

    October 27, 2016 -- Still scrambling for financing, Santa Monica has fallen far short for the second year in a row of meeting the voter-imposed minimum for building new affordable housing, according to a new City report.

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